6 Ways DE Can Improve Your Pet’s Health

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6 Ways DE Can Improve Your Pet’s Health

Diatomaceous Earth

Seema Minerals & Metals produces and supplies diatomaceous earth for different uses in the market. This commitment makes it possible to produce healthy, high-quality goods, for agriculture and other industries. For all your DE needs, you can rely on Seema Minerals & Metals' services.

Natural Flea and Tick Protection

How It Works:
  • Physical Abrasion: DE is composed of fine particles with sharp edges that are too small to be seen by the naked eye. These edges wear down the outer layer when touching the external cuticle of fleas, ticks, and other insects.
  • Dehydration: It creates friction which tears the exoskeleton and as a result, the insect loses some of its body moisture. DE is very effective in absorbing water from the insect’s body and when confined in the container, they die of thirst.

Internal Parasite Control

How It Works:
  • Microscopic Sharpness: DE comprises small, abrasive grains that can penetrate through the skin of parasites, such as roundworms, hookworms, and whipworms.
  • Dehydration of Parasites: When the outer layer is breached, the DE soaks up the fluids from the worms, which eventually leads to dehydration and death.
  • Mechanical Rather Than Chemical: DE is different from chemical dewormers, which means that it kills the parasites through a mechanical action, and therefore, parasites cannot develop a resistance to it.

How to Enhance the Health of Your Coat and Skin

How It Works:
  • Reduction of Parasites: DE also helps to eliminate fleas and ticks and so prevents animals from itching and scratching which leads to skin irritation.
  • Trace Minerals: DE has silicon and other trace elements that may be beneficial for the skin and coat when consumed by the animal. Silica is necessary for the production of collagen, which is a protein that is used in the skin and hair for flexibility and structural support.
  • Cleansing Effect: DE can assist in washing off the skin’s grime and oil, and add to the enhancement of coat texture.

Joint Health and Mobility

How It Works:
  • Silica Content: DE is particularly well endowed with silica, a silicate mineral that is vital for the formation of connective tissue such as cartilage, tendons and ligaments.
  • Collagen Formation: It aids in the formation of collagen which is needed for the healthy functioning of joints. Collagen also aids in flexibility and strength of the joints, which may reduce arthritis and other joint-related diseases and disorders.
  • Reduction of Inflammation: Consumption of silica may be useful to manage inflammation, a factor that is normally associated with joint pain and stiffness.

Odor Control

How It Works:
  • Absorbent Properties: DE’s ability to absorb water means that it can effectively limit the presence of dampness, a factor that contributes to bacterial growth and subsequent production of smell.
  • Neutralization of Odors: DE can capture and counteract the odours from pet compounds and maintain the freshness of the pet areas for a longer period.
  • Prevention of Mold and Mildew: DE can also be useful in reducing the presence of mould and mildew, which cause the production of foul smells.

Environmental Safety

How It Works:
  • Non-Toxic Nature: The DE used here is food-grade, thus safe to be consumed by both pets and humans, and is environmentally friendly. It does not contain any chemicals that are bad for health and can be applied directly to the areas that pets frequent.
  • Mechanical Action: DE operates physically not chemically, which minimizes the chances of adverse effects that may be encountered with chemical pesticides and dewormers.
  • Biodegradable: DE is an organic compound that is also biodegradable hence it is environmentally friendly for use in pest control and supplementation.

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