What are the benefits of feeding animals DE?

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What are the benefits of feeding animals DE?


Diatomaceous Earth (DE) is a type of mineral deposit that has become famous in animal feeds. The chemical structure of diatomite is derived from fossilised microscopic algae called diatoms. Diatomaceous earth provides many advantages when fed to animals including better feed digestion and general animal well being. We will delve into these benefits in more detail in this blog post.

1. Enhanced Digestion:

Diatomaceous Earth for animal feed helps improve animal’s digestion which is one of the key benefits thereof. It works as a soft abrasive, breaking down feed particles and facilitating good nutrient uptake. Improving the digestibility of a diet promotes its absorption of essential nutrients and supports rapid development and good health among animals.

2. Natural Deworming:

DE is a good substitute to ordinary chemical dewormers being a natural Dewormer for cattle. Microscopic diatom particles are sharp-edged which penetrate through parasites’ exoskeletons, leading to dehydration and death of the parasites. It is a viable option for controlling internal parasite infections in animals, thereby decreasing reliance on synthetic dewormers, which may have adverse effects.

3. Improved Feed Efficiency:

Diatomaceous Earth is able to enhance feed efficiency in animals, since it is known for improving digestion and nutrient absorption of the animal. Animals need fewer feeds to satisfy their nutrient required; hence, farmers will save on costs. Improved feed efficiency could also significantly lessen the ecological consequences of animal rearing as it would minimize wastage of animal feed.

4. Detoxification and Cleansing:

Detoxes Animals Digestive System with Diatomaceous Earth. It works as a natural cleaner that eliminates toxins, heavy metals and many others from within the body. Such purification action helps to increase general wellbeing and immunity on animals leading to low incidences or resistance of some of the diseases and a better ability to counteract infections.

5. Natural Pest Control:

Besides, it is used in the control of parasites in soil and organisms, as well as for deworming purposes. It can control external parasites such as fleas, ticks and mites if used externally. DE damages the exoskeleton of these pests causing dehydration and ultimately killing them. It is added either to the animal bedding or as a powder applied over the animal coat of the animal by farmers to minimize use of chemical insecticides and guard against pests invasion in farming.

6. Stronger Bones and Joints:

Diatomaceous Earth is an excellent silica rich source for bone, joint & tissue health. However, silica is necessary in building collagen, a protein that helps add strength and flexibility to the bones and joints. Thus, incorporating DE in animal feed facilitates animal’s bone development, helping prevent diseases like arthritic conditions while improving general mobility.

7. Improved Egg Quality and Shell Strength:

The addition of Diatomaceous earth to the diet of hens may result in better quality eggs and stronger shells for poultry farm ers. It contains a high amount of silica which assists to create keratin, an important protein that promotes the forming of rigid eggshells. DE, if taken daily, would make the shells thicker and better with fewer chances of breaking and improving the value of the products in the market.


When used as an animal feed additive – diatomaceous earth from Seema Minerals & Metals provides quite interesting peculiarities. The benefits of DE range from improved digestion, natural deworming to better feed efficiency and pest control. In addition, it enhances in general the cleansers, bone and joint, and egg’s qualities, making it important to include into animal feeds. Using this natural substance, farmers can enrich the general health of animals by keeping off chemicals and manmade supplements.

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