9 Facts You Didn’t Know About Diatomaceous Earth

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9 Facts You Didn’t Know About Diatomaceous Earth


Kieselguhr also known as Diatomaceous earth (DE) is a naturally occurring sedimentary rock, which is soft and can be easily ground into a white or off-white powdery substance. Even though DE might not be a well-known product, it is utilized in several spheres, which makes the material highly versatile.

Ancient Origins

Diatomaceous earth is a siliceous sedimentary rock that is formed from the accumulated fossilized remains of diatoms. These diatoms have existed for millions of years, some samples having Been identified to be from the early Eocene epoch, which was about 56 to 33 million years ago. The silica that is present in their cell walls is what hardens into the mineral when they die and settle at the bottom of seas, rivers, and lakes.

Incredible Porosity

The porosity of diatomaceous earth is one of the distinct features that make it stand out. DE particles have a complex porous structure consisting of an enormous number of small cavities. This property makes it a very good filter for retaining fine particles that other filters may not be able to retain. This is why it is commonly used in water filtration systems, pool filters, and even in breweries to make beer and wines.

Non-Toxic Pest Control

Diatomaceous earth is known for its effectiveness in controlling pests. The edges of the diatom particles were very smooth and they would just slice through the exoskeletons of insects, which would then die of thirst. However, DE is harmless to humans and pets and is commonly used in organic farming and in homes to eliminate insects such as ants, bedbugs, and fleas.

Used in Food Products

It may come as a shock but diatomaceous earth is indeed used in food products. In its food-grade form, DE is utilized as an anti-caking agent in products such as flour and spices. It is also employed in the agricultural sector for livestock feed to enhance the health and digestive system of animals.

A Natural Cleanser

Diatomaceous earth has abrasive properties which make it to be used in personal care products such as toothpaste and facial scrubs. It can also be used to get rid of dead skin cells as it acts as a skin exfoliator. It has the added advantage of being able to absorb moisture and odors so makes a good natural deodorant.

Environmental Benefits

DE is an eco-friendly product. It is non-toxic, eco-friendly, and does not pose any threat to the soil, water, or air. As a natural insecticide, it reduces the probability of exposing the environment to chemical pesticides. Also, it is a natural mineral so there is no need to resort to mining and manufacturing that are often damaging to the environment.

Industrial Applications

Apart from being used in food preparation and controlling pests, diatomaceous earth has other important applications in industries. It is also employed in the production of paints, rubber, and plastics as a filler. It is also used in the formulation of dynamite as it acts as a stabilizer for nitroglycerin.

Safe for Human Consumption

Diatomaceous earth intended for food use is safe for consumption in moderate amounts. Some people use DE as a dietary supplement since it is believed to have detoxification properties, promote the health of hair and nails, and support joint health. However, it is advisable to check for food-grade DE before consuming it since the industrial grade may contain some dangerous substances.

Lightweight and Absorbent

Diatomaceous earth is very light because it has vast internal spaces. It can swell to four times its size when fully saturated with water and thus finds application in products that address spillage and moisture. Seema Minerals is at the forefront of supplying high-quality DE to several industries to benefit humanity in numerous ways.

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