Ceramic water filter candles & Alkaline water filter candles
What is the technology behind the filter elements and why are they so special
- Seema Minerals & Metals started work on producing filter candles using 100 % Diatomaceous Earth in 2007. It took 5 years to develop a machine to mould dry Diatomaceous Earth powder into candle form. Finally, a world-class product was developed and named “Filtroseem”. In which ceramic water filter candles are widely used.
- The ceramic filters are called "candles". They are made from Flux Calcined Diatomaceous Earth which is dry moulded in candle form and sintered at high temperature in an electric furnace.
- Water molecules slowly work their way through the ceramic to the hollow centre of the candle, then the water drips into the lower compartment of the filter. Sediment, bacteria and other micro-organisms are too large, so are trapped by the ceramic in the upper compartment of the filter.
- The offered range of Alkaline water filter candles is also impregnated with silver, which is toxic to bacteria. The silver prevents the captured bacteria from reproducing on the filter and also repels the virus as it is positively charged.
- Pore size: less than 1 micron
- Removes 99.99% of Cryptosporidium, Giardia, E. Coli, Vibro Cholerae, Salmonella, Dysentery.
- The centre of the ceramic filters is filled with GAC (granular activated carbon) which is also impregnated with silver. Carbon removes bad tastes and odours as well as pesticides, herbicides, organic solvents, trihalomethanes.
- Ceramic elements last much longer as they can be cleaned from the outside with a scotch Brite pad or toothbrush.

What are some of the water sources I can use?
Water from ponds, creeks, lakes, rivers, wells, cisterns, rain or even water you have stored yourself can be used for drinking and cooking with peace of mind.
Water Production Rate
The rate of water production depends upon the number of ceramic candles. Whether the candles are clean or starting to get clogged. With two candles, you will get about 2.5 litre minimum per hour with a 30 cm water column above Filtroseem Filters.
How Long Do Ceramic Water Filter candles Last?
This requires some explanation, so read carefully. We recommend replacing ceramic candles without Activated carbon after 6000 litres and with activated carbon after 2800-3000 litres. So if you had a filter containing two candles, the manufacturer recommendation would be to replace the candles without carbon after filtering 12000 litres and with Carbon after filtering 5600-6000 litres. However, filtration capacity will also depend on the quality of water which you will filter. If your primary use of the filter is to remove bacteria, then ceramic will continue to do that for a very long time upto 6000 litres of each candle. Candles are further cleaned as soon as the flow rate starts dropping. The flow rate resumes after cleaning. If you are depending upon the carbon centre to remove chemicals or odours, you should replace the candles more frequently. Overall it depends on the quality of water you are using.
When do I clean the ceramic filter element?
As the water gets filtered, the pores outside the surface of the Alkaline water filter candles get clogged with particulates from the water, or with bacteria. It can cause the water to soak through the candle more slowly, so your water production rate will decrease. As long as the filter makes water fast enough to meet your needs, there is no need to clean it. But when the time it takes for the water to filter into the lower chamber decreases to the point where it is no longer meeting your daily water needs, it is time to clean.
How do I clean the filter elements?
Hold the ceramic element under clean running water while scrubbing lightly with a 3M Scotch Brite pad or toothbrush. Cleaning has to be performed evenly, working from the threaded end up to the top. The cleaning process removes the outermost clogged ceramic pores from the candle, thereby exposing a fresh unclogged surface. The rinse water might be cloudy white. That is due to the outermost white ceramic particles being removed. Rinse and reinstall the ceramic candles. If the water production rate has not returned to normal, repeat the cleaning and rub a little harder this time.
How do I determine when the granular carbon in the ceramic element is exhausted?
When bad taste and odour of the source water no longer gets removed. The ceramic shell will continue to remove pathogenic bacteria even after the carbon is exhausted. If your water tastes bad, you may continue to use your Filtroseem filters or Ceramic water filter candles to remove bacteria and use other carbon filters to remove bad odour. Please note that carbon in the centre of the ceramic candle cannot be replaced.

Special Features of Filtroseem Filters
- Made using 100 % Diatomite Filter aid with special dry moulding high-pressure isostatic technology developed indigenously.
- The outer Diatomite shell is Silver impregnated for better water purification. (Silver Impregnated Candles are available on demand. Plain candles and Silver impregnated Activated Carbon candles are not silver-impregnated.)
- Silver Impregnated Activated carbon granules filled in the hollow part of candles to avoid biofouling of carbon and to adsorb any smell in the water. (Plain candles are not filled with carbon.)
- Faster flow rate as each particle of Diatomite used in the making of the candle is porous. No clay is added to the candle so porosity is maintained.
- Suitable for gravity filter containers and online filters.
- Bottom plastic attachment is of universal size to fit in any presently available containers in the market.
- It repels Virus as silver is positive charge.
- No wastage of water.
- Easy to clean. Just scrub the outer surface as soon as the candle gets choked and it retains its flow.
- No electricity needed.
- Dimension of candle are 57 mm out diameter and 120 mm length.
- Do not boil candles in water as glue and attachment will get damaged.
- Throw the first 5 liters of water filtered through candles.
- Always dry and keep the candles in a safe place when not in use for a longer time.
If you want to have the top quality drinking water you should believe in using an alkaline water filter candle for clean and pure water. Many research has shown that alkaline water is one of the best drinking water, and can even be better quality than costly bottled water. The filter candles disparate the water into two varieties first is alkaline water and second is acidic water. This filter produce contains H20 clusters and therefore your body can digest and absorb them more easily. Also, alkaline water instead of normal water provides some amazing health benefits, such as controlling blood sugar, Less probability of allergic reactions, Higher ability to combat damage caused by free radicals, Higher levels of energy, Strengthens Bones, Boosts Immunity, Helps in Weight Loss, Reduces Acidity, and many more benefits. On the other hand, acidic water is potentially harmful to your body because it produces an imbalance in the pH level of your body so avoid this water. Seema minerals are the leading supplier, exporter, and manufacturer of Alkaline water filter candles to our customers at the best market price. Alkaline water filter candles take water treatment to the next level and provide you with oxygen-rich, easily absorbable. We have many years of experience in this industry and we provide superior quality alkaline water filter candles. The right pH balance is indeed very important because a large number of people nowadays suffer from acidity and other types of health issues. A good alkaline water filter works by filtering out microplastics, chlorine, heavy metals, bacteria, and chemicals but retaining important natural electrolytes, turning them into drinking alkaline mineral water. If you want the best quality alkaline water filter candles then contact us.
ΔP (Distance from the water level to the outlet of filter) = 80 cm
SAMPLE | FLOW RATE (litre/hour) | CFU/100 ML | % OF REMOVAL |
Control | - | 1 700 000 | - |
Filter 1 | 7.26 | 212 | 99.987 |
Filter 2 | 6.54 | 194 | 99.988 |
ΔP (Distance from the water level to the outlet of filter) = 30 cm
SAMPLE | FLOW RATE (litre/hour) | CFU/100 ML | % OF REMOVAL |
Control | - | 1 400 000 | - |
Filter 1 | 2.28 | 212 | 99.987 |
Filter 2 | 1.98 | 154 | 99.989 |