Can Diatomaceous Earth Help Improve Soil Quality in Gardens?

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Can Diatomaceous Earth Help Improve Soil Quality in Gardens?

Diatomaceous Earth

Seema Minerals & Metals deals in high-quality Diatomaceous Earth providing excellent products for agricultural, and pest control as well as industrial use. We offer high-quality products that meet the standard and also have the aim of improving the health of the soil, increasing crop yield and protecting the environment through the use of eco-friendly methods of pest control.

Indeed, DE in this case can be useful in enhancing the overall quality of the gardens’ soil. It has several advantages that enhance the healthier growth of soil and plants in general. Here are the ways DE can enhance soil quality: Here are the ways DE can enhance soil quality:

Benefits of DE in Soil

Improved Soil Structure:

  • Aeration: DE is of importance in keeping the soil well aerated hence facilitating good air circulation to the root systems of plants. This is especially useful for heavy clay soils because they tend to become compacted easily.
  • Drainage: It improves the drainage of the soil to reduce water-logging while at the same time providing enough water for the plants.

Nutrient Retention and Availability:

  • Silica Source: DE is also high in silica, which is a micro-nutrient which fortifies the cell walls of plants; this is beneficial in that it increases the overall health and strength of the plant against diseases and pests.
  • Mineral Content: DE also has other macronutrients such as magnesium, calcium, sodium and iron which are important elements for the growth of soil.

Moisture Retention:

  • Water Absorption: DE has high porosity meaning that it can hold and retain water. This assists in the retention of the moisture around the plant roots which reduces the instances of having to water the plant.

Pest Control:

  • Natural Insecticide: DE can be considered a biopesticide because it can physically crush and deprive pests such as aphids, ants, and slugs of moisture. Spraying DE around plants can assist in protecting them from these undesired pests without having to use chemical pesticides.

Improved Soil pH:

  • Balancing pH Levels: DE is useful in correcting the PH level of the soil which in turn enhances the growth of plants.

How to Use DE in Gardens?

Soil Amendment:

  • Mixing into Soil: For better condition of the soil, one needs to add DE to the soil at a recommended concentration of 10-20% by volume. For instance, add one part of DE to four parts of soil.
  • Top Dressing: Sprinkle a small quantity of DE on the soil when it is around the plants. This assists in the provision of moisture retention and preventing cases of infestation by pests.


  • Compost Addition: Also, you should incorporate DE into the compost piles since it helps in the aeration of the compost piles and fastening of the composting process. It also assists in preventing smell from the compost and ward off pests in the compost.

Pest Control:

  • Direct Application: Apply DE on plants and the surrounding soil to prevent pests from attacking the plants. It is recommended that you reapply after the rain or watering to restore the efficiency of the repellent.

Considerations and Safety:

  • Quality: It is advisable to use the food grade DE in gardening to avoid using DE that has been used to process certain products. Do not use pool-grade DE as it often contains additives and chemicals.


DE can help in increasing the quality of the soil in gardens, especially through improving the structure of the soil, nutrient holding capacity, water management, and pest elimination. When used effectively, it helps improve the health status of the plants and at the same time enhances the yields in the gardens. It is advisable that the DE used is food grade and when handling it, one should do so carefully to reap the gains while avoiding the risks.

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