Diatomaceous Earth for animal feed /Kieselguhr E551c, animal feed formulations, and animal beddings. We manufacture High-quality Feed Grade Diatomaceous Earth/Diatomite fine powder for application in animal feed. The offered range of Diatomaceous Earth E551c for animal feed works on the following applications: 1. As direct feed for animals. (Powder form) 2. As a carrier for animal feed. (Powder and Grain form) 3. As an anti-caking agent in animal feed manufacturing. (Powder Form)
Diatomaceous Earth E551c for animal feed is a natural material made from Siliceous Fossil Flour. Consisting of more than 98.5 % amorphous Silica. It Kills insects and pests mechanically and not chemically.
It is 100 % organic. It is a non-toxic, safe substance made up of crushed fossils of sedimentary deposits of marine life. Crushed to a fine powder and observed through a microscope, the particles resemble bits of broken glass.
Deadly to any insect and completely harmless to animals, fish, fowl or food. Most insects have a waxy outer shell covering their bodies, INSECT STOP scratches through this shell causing the insect to dehydrate leading to eventual death.

How it works
Diatomaceous Earth E551c Kieselguhr mode of action for insect and parasite control is strictly mechanical. The microscopically sharp edges contact the insect or parasite, and pierce their protective coating, so they soon dehydrate and die.
The larvae is affected in the same way. This makes Diatomaceous Earth E551c an excellent and totally natural control, with no indicating of mechanical or chemical damage to the animal tissue. It can be used as a dust for fleas, lice and other external pests by rubbing into the coat of the Animals.
Both internal and external parasite and insect pest control will result in improvement in health, appearance and behaviour, as well as assimilation of feed, which means improved weight gain and lowered feed cost and a healthy animal gives more milk. Diatomaceous Earth for animal feed and Diatomaceous Earth E551c is a natural deworming agent too. When given in feed within 30-45 days the ticks will get paralyzed and fall off the animal skin and no flies and mosquitoes will sit on animals.
In cattle within 15 day the milk will become thick and will have more fat in it thus giving benefit to cattle owner as the milk will fetch good price. The hair of animals will start shining and become soft. When applied on the fungal infected area fungal disease will get cured. Within 6 months the animals will become strong enough and no disease will attach the animals.
100 % natural and safe organic media to control insects and parasite. Kills insects and pests mechanically and hence insects cannot develop immunity. No added harmful chemicals. Improvement in health, appearance and behavior is observed after feeding animals with Diatomaceous Earth E551c.
- Control of fleas and ticks.
- Stimulates basic metabolism.
- Converts feed better.
- Scouring or diarrhea: when fed it seems to act as a material that draws both virus and bacteria out of the body and solidifies the stool.
- Reduces odor and moisture in barns and stalls. Better coat and hoof condition.
- Reduces annual vet bills--decreased mortality.
- Keeps fly larvae from developing in manure, noticeably reducing the fly population
- Reduces annual vet bills--decreased mortality.
- In cattle: decreased mastitis.
- Dairy cattle: Increased milk production.
Suggested Feeding and Application Rates
Dairy Cattle & Pigs - 1% of total weight of dry ration.
Calves - 4 grams in morning milk per calf
Chickens - 3 % in feed, use at full strength in dusting boxes
Hogs - 0.2 % of total feed ration, dust or spray on bedding and animals
Horses - 140 grams (1 cup) in daily feed ration
Sheep - 1 % in ground grains 1 E551c Kieselguhr to 2 parts T-M salt
Goats - 1 % in grain, 5% per bushel of feed: up to 50 % in T-M salt
Dogs - 1 % per day in daily ration for dogs weighing over 25 kgs, 1 tsp. per day in ration for small dogs and puppies, rub powder at full strength into the coat for fleas and sprinkle on bedding.
Cats - 1 tsp. per daily ration, rub at full strength into coat for fleas and sprinkle on bedding
Application and details of Grains
Grains are 0.2 – 1 mm in size with an absorption capacity of 45 %. Any animal feed in liquid form can be added to this material and it will absorb it and act as a carrier. Also, grains are added to animal bedding to absorb ammonia and other toxic gasses and also to keep the bedding dry. Grains are spread in an area where animals are kept and it will absorb moisture and urine and keep the place dry.